1.19.25 - John 1:35-51 - Lord's Supper
Notes and Verses on the Bible App: http://bible.com/events/49377280
Gospel of John: Believe
What are you Seeking?
John 1:35-51
People encounter Jesus in many different ways.
Jesus calls them to remain with Him.
Notes from John 1:35-51
- Days 3 and 4 from John 1:19-51
- John utilizes multiple layers of meaning with key words.
- Geographical move towards Galilee (north)
- Key figures introduced
1. Encounter Jesus
- How did you encounter Jesus?
- Personal Connection
- Go and Tell
- Come and See
- Church - 86% of people start attending church b/c of an invitation from a friend.
- Read Bible
- Life / Serving
- Fully Known (Jesus sees us)
- What are you seeking?
- Where are you sitting?
- *Changes our future
- Faith, expressed in Baptism
- “Public Profession of Faith”
2. Remain with Jesus
- How do you remain with Jesus?
- We see His power and presence.
- Fully Known…and Fully Loved!
- Multiple names of Jesus
- *God’s Word and Spirit at work in our lives in hard times
- Faith, expressed in the Lord’s Supper
- “Rededication”
- Importance of the Church and being surrounded by God’s people